Bender Gestalt Interpretation Pdf
Posted : adminOn 4/19/2018Gestalt bender report • 1. (Bender-Gestalt test) • History a psychological test first developed by child neuropsychiatrist Lauretta Bender The test is used to evaluate 'visual- motor maturity', to screen for developmental disorders, or to assess neurological function or brain damage. Bender first described her Visual Motor Gestalt Test in an 1938 monograph entitled: A Visual Motor Gestalt Test and Its Clinical Use.

THE BENDER-GESTALT TEST. APPROVED!,^T Majc^ Proressor nor Professor Dean of the School OT. That symbolic interpretation of the B-G is highly subjective.
• The test has been used as a screening device for brain damage. Bender herself said it was 'a method of evaluating maturation of gestalt functioning children 4-11's brain functioning by which it responds to a given constellation of stimuli as a whole, the response being a motor process of patterning the perceived gestalt.' • It measures perceptual motor skills, perceptual motor development, and gives an indication of neurological intactness. It has been used as a personality test and a test of emotional problems. The impetus for the clinical use of the Bender Gestalt came in the late 1930s when Max L.
Hutt, an Instructor at the Educational Clinic of City College of New York became interested in developing a non-verbal projective personality test • The Bender-II contains 16 figures versus 9 in the original. The new or revised scoring system for the Bender-II was developed based on empirical investigation of numerous scoring systems.
• Purpose The Bender Gestalt Test is used to evaluate visual maturity, visual motor integration skills, style of responding, reaction to frustration, ability to correct mistakes, planning and organizational skills, and motivation. Copying figures requires fine motor skills, the ability to discriminate between visual stimuli, the capacity to integrate visual skills with motor skills, and the ability to shift attention from the original design to what is being drawn.
• Precautions The Bender Gestalt Test should not be administered to an individual with severe visual impairment unless his or her vision has been adequately corrected with eyeglasses. Additionally, the test should not be given to an examinee with a severe motor impairment, as the impairment would affect his or her ability to draw the geometric figures correctly. The test scores might thereby be distorted. • The Bender Gestalt Test should never be used in isolation. When making a diagnosis, results from the Bender Gestalt Test should be used in conjunction with other medical, developmental, educational, psychological, and neuropsychological information. Finally, psychometric testing requires administration and evaluation by a clinically trained examiner.
If a scoring system is used, the examiner should carefully evaluate its reliability and validity, as well as the normative sample being used. • Description The Bender Gestalt Test is an individually administered pencil and paper test used to make a diagnosis of brain injury. There are nine geometric figures drawn in black. These figures are presented to the examinee one at a time; then, the examinee is asked to copy the figure on a blank sheet of paper. Examinees are allowed to erase, but cannot use any mechanical aids (such as rulers). • The average amount of time to complete the test is five to ten minutes.
Ism Software For Marathi Typing. One method requires that the examinee view each card for five seconds, after which the card is removed. The examinee draws the figure from memory. Another variation involves having the examinee draw the figures by following the standard procedure. The examinee is then given a clean sheet of paper and asked to draw as many figures as he or she can recall. Last, the test is given to a group, rather than to an individual (i.e., standard administration). • Administration Administration of the Bender-Gestalt II consists of two phases: Copy Phase ○ Examinee is shown stimulus cards with designs and asked to copy each of the designs on a sheet of paper Recall Phase ○ Examinee is asked to redraw designs from memory • Motor and Perception supplemental tests screen for specific motor and perceptual abilities/difficulties.