Biquad Wifi Antenna Calculator
Posted : adminOn 3/31/2018Biquad wifi antenna design, RF communication, antenna types, WIFI antenna design, LAN antenna design. Find great deals on eBay for biquad wifi antenna and double biquad antenna. Shop with confidence. Windows Program Hook.

Introduction This is basic instructions on building a handmade Double BiQuad antenna for WiFi/WLAN 2.4 GHz with ~14 dBi Gain. (~13.6 dBi if antenna without lips) Note: The dBi scale is logarithmic in base 10, where +3 dBi is a doubling in gain! An increase in gain of +1 dBi is equivalent to an increase of 26% and +2 dBi is equivalent to an increase of 60%. This means that the increase in +1dBi is a big deal.
On the internets you can find quite a lot guides how to make handmade BiQuad antenna for WiFi 2.4GHz but this guide is slightly different as I used computer software (antenna modeler and optimizer) version 5.8. Baplie File Converter. 11 to model theoretically the perfect antenna. This makes this guide more accurate than others, because others are using approximate parameters while mine measurements based on very careful analysis with computer software which results many times has been proven to be quite accurate and reliable in physical world. ( Very important to choose proper cable! the longer the cable length, the more signal loss you'll have through the cable. Long cable will defeat the purpose of the antenna. Read the guide for more info.) • ~60 cm length of copper wire for the element. 1.2-1.5 mm in diameter. Wider is not recommended.
• Spacers in each end of the element to hold its position and spacing correct height between the radiator and the reflector. Spacers must be from any non-metallic material. Plastic will do alright. Reason Drum Kits. N-Type (female) connector Single Sided Copper Clad Board Building the antenna I will not show you picture after the picture how to drill the hole in center of reflector.