Bob Farmer Tsunami Pdf
Posted : adminOn 2/21/2018Bob Farmer Genii 2004 02 ConSumer Alert - Download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online. Free bob farmer effect vs kenton knepper kent. Tsunami Trick Booklet by Bob Farmer (TSUNAMI) This manuscript explains several variations of one incredible prediction effect.

Bob Farmer - Tsunami PDF $10 Another Bob Farmer miracle available again. It is a bit difficult to describe because it is a 20 page manuscript of several variations of a single effect. It is a revelation of a spectator's selected card BUT along the way there is gambling, mentalism, and a few hustles.
Let's take a look at one of the basic effects: Performer shuffles a deck of cards and gives half to the spectator. He explains that they are going to play 'mental poker.' Spectator is asked to merely think of any card in his half as the performer lays a stack of bills out on the table.
Spectator shuffles his half of the deck and then takes your half and shuffles the entire deck. Performer then explains that the spectator can win the money on the table and even more. Every time the performer says something correct about the thought of card, more money is added to the stack. If the performer ever says anything incorrect about the thought of card, the spectator gets the entire stack of money. There is only one condition.
The performer gets one last chance to win all of the money back. The money keeps piling up and then all of a sudden, the performer says something incorrect. Spectator is now about to win all of the money. Now it's time for the one last 'condition.' Performer removes five cards from the deck and places them face down on the table. He bets that the thought of card is one of the five cards. One last bet for all the money.
Let's say the spectator thought of the Queen of Spades. One card of the five is turned over and shown to be the Queen of Spades. The performer states that he wanted to be sure to win the hand. The other four cards are turned over and they are the Ace, King, Jack, and Ten of Spades. A Royal Flush!! As stated above, the are many variations.
The final blowoff can be either the Royal Flush, Straight Flush, or Four of a Kind. There are variations using a stacked deck, a prepared deck, and even an impromptu method.
Canceled Television Programs 2012 here. Contributing variations come from Max Maven, Tim Conover, Al Koran, and more. Much to work with in this fine manuscript.
Description THE BAMMO TARODICTION TOOLBOX A New Breakthrough In Magic Methodology “Bob Farmer’s Bammo Tarodiction Toolbox is both a great trick and a genuinely new method for secretly arranging cards quickly, accurately, and right in front of the spectators’ noses.” —Matthew Field, Magic Book Author and Editor “Within magic, no mind approaches Bob Farmer’s. Outside magic, Machiavelli came close.
The evidence is presented in ‘The Bammo Tarodiction Toolbox.’” —Stephen Minch “ brilliant and stimulating ” —Nick Pudar, “About what you’d expect from the guy whom invented that stupid little hand trick.” —Richard Kaufman It’s got: Completely new and flabbergasting effects with Tarot and Bicycle cards. A mysterious message that Aleister Crowley, occultist and Satanist, wrote in 1947 (and then immediately thereafter slumped over dead), here finally explained. The appearance of impossible poker hands (odds of success, one in over one trillion, three hundred billion, but you beat those odds).
A method for stacking a deck in Mnemonica or Aronson order or Stebbins order (or any order!) that takes less than two and half minutes to complete (there is no faster method). A revolutionary new method for marking cards. Indispensable for card guys and mentalists. Not suitable for gospel magicians. All self-working. No thought required.
No calculations required. Wide applications to many other areas. Satisfaction guaranteed or I’ll apologize. That’s all I’m saying. Let’s keep this exclusive.