Cw By Liac 3.0 Logiciel
Posted : adminOn 6/8/2018Version history:: CwGet - CW morse code decoder:: Products Subscribe for our mailing list! Enter your e-mail Rate CwGet (with 10 = best) DXsoft / / Version history CwGet versions history V2.37 Input and output soundcard numbers can be above ten now. V2.36 Minor bug with message channel handling was fixed. V2.35 Documentation was updated. Minor improvement in multi-channel decoder were made. V2.30 Options Setup >Interface >Message channel and Setup >Interface >Exchange DLL channel were made. Them are useful in SO2R mode when several copies of CwGet are running.
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The Multi-channel decoder window was completely rewritten. Received by this decoder symbols are displayed directly at a horizontal waterfall. A mouse click at this waterfall changes a frequency of the main decoder. Some minor bugs were fixed. V2.26 The Setup >Interface >Output soundcard channel option ( Mono/Left/Right) can be used to select output channel of soundcard. V2.25 The Ctrl-U hotkey switches Tuning Rig by state between NONE and last selected tuning method (Main VFO or RIT). The Setup >Interface >Input soundcard channel option ( Mono/Left/Right) can be used to select one of two sound sources connected to a single soundcard.
Remastersys Usb Startup Disk Tool. The command line argument /c Filename can be used to open capture file at the program startup. V2.20 The Setup >Text >Swedish charset option was added. V2.10 When the Sp.lock buttons is pressed, minimal and maximal speed (in LPM) are defined by regulators at left side of this button. Click to this button with Ctrl key pressed moves center value of speed limit to a current speed. The Setup >Multi-decoder >Use speed limits from main decoder option defines if these speed limits are used in multi-decoder window also. The Setup >View >Always on top option is used in place of OnTop button now.