Eswa Ceiling Heating Installation
Posted : adminOn 4/28/2018

ESWA Ceiling Heating ESWA ceiling heating is ideal for living areas and less-used spaces, such as a formal lounge. The ESWA ceiling heating system. A modern electric ceiling heating system works by using the ceiling as a low temperature large surface area radiator. This allows it to gently warm the surfaces of. Make sure your home stays the right temperature all year round with radiant heating installation from ESWA. Working with both underfloor and ceiling. Electric Radiant Heating Installation & Design in. Ceiling Heating. Stays the right temperature all year round with radiant heating installation from ESWA.
Job description I have an electrical ceiling heating system in my flat (radiant heating) made by EWSA - EWSA Ceiling Heating. Every room has it's own thermostat/power control (a dial with 'Min.' setting) and mains switch.
The open plan living room area (largest pace in the flat) has a more advanced electrical power controller - 'Microtherm EFK-20' - this is the master controller. None of these have any sort of timer function so my only heating option is to either turn the system off when I'm out or leave it on.
Seems this works on high-amperage heating (~16A), not low. Ideally, I want a Nest / Hive thermostat with this. Next best, I'm hoping it would be possible to install a simple timer to the living room master controller.
If you think this is feasible, I'd like to get a quote for these please. * Added 18th October, 2016: Hello, Reposting this with edits: After much research, I've confirmed that the smart thermostat needed for this ceiling heating requires a rating of (~230V) and 13A (or above). Typical thermostats such as Tado wont work (it's rated at 3A only). One product which may do the job is Heatmiser neoStat-e. (It seems to have a cable floor sensor which I don't need).
Can anyone please advise if you've had experience installing this product? I'll need about 6 - in different rooms.
Hi I have been trying to find details about ESWA ceiling heating for some time and there is frankly not a great deal out there about it. I have ESWA ceiling heating in my 2 bed flat which was built in 1987. I bought in 1994.
There are no moving parts and it has been totally problem free up until a couple of years ago. Ivy Generator 3ds Max. Calculus De Tom M Apostol Pdf. In essence ESWA ceiling heating is very thin laminate elements underneath the plasterboard/drywall ceiling. It is secured to the joists.
I was always aware that the laminate elements would start to pack up after 20 years, in my case it was 30 and a couple are still going. The process is not too bad to change them. It means taking down the ceiling plasterboard (messy yes) and then stapling the new elements to the joists and adding the new plastboard. I got ESWA to secure the elements to the joists and also install new digital thermostats into each room which were programmable.
We have only done the living room so far but I do intend to do the bathroom also. I have not been able to find much about ESWA online so I thought I would pen something for others who will no doubt be having problems with their heating now seeing as their lifetime will be coming up for lots of them. It is achievable to get new elements installed and so far so good happy to chat if needs be. I hope they are efficient, seems to have been for the past 23 years I have been living here, yes I know heat rises Steve.