Ghostbusters Proton Pack Sound Effect
Posted : adminOn 3/5/2018

Ghostbusters Pop Culture Pervasiveness by Ghostbusters, a movie directed by Ivan Reitman and written by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis, is about a group of people who investigate paranormal phenomena and catch ghosts. It has its roots in the 'ghost comedies' of the 1930s and 1940s. Ghostbusters has permeated pop culture from the moment it was released on June 8, 1984. It has been embraced by the general public, many of whom dress as Ghostbusters, or run entire websites dedicated to it - such as the 20-year-old Spook Central (, whose webmaster has uploaded this clip.
Ghostbusters has been spoofed or referenced in a wide variety of media, and this clip illustrates one such example. In the Sleepy Hollow episode 'Ragnarok' (4/8/2016) (Season 3, Episode 18), Abby and Jenny fire blue energy from 'Proton Wand'-like devices which use a Proton Pack sound effect when they start firing. • • Abby and Jenny fire blue energy from 'Proton Wand'-like devices which use a Proton Pack sound effect when they start firing.
The doorman to the Mayor's mansion also uses the term proton pack, asking the Ghostbusters if he can buy. This effect would have. Volvo Mapcare Program. Have with lights and sound. The Proton Pack /Realistic Version. The Proton Pack's sounds were created in foley. Sound Designer Brian Fieser recorded a replica prop Proton Pack and jumpsuit.
From Sleepy Hollow: 'Ragnarok' (2016) Creator: 20th Century Fox Television Posted by Keywords • • Genres • Options •.
HProps Gh ostbusters Sounds! The best quality this side of Columbia Studios! Each file is taken from digital DVD audio (where possible) and re-mastered and/or augmented by computer synthesis. Proton Pack 1.. (102 KB) Starts with the Sedgewick Elevator “switch me on” then crossfades into computer-generated tones that match the pitch and rumble of the fully running Pack. Basically eliminates the shuffling sounds of the guys as they back away from Egon.
(36 KB) Totally digital synthesized reproduction of the pack shutdown tones. Compare to what you hear when they shoot the maid, and just before “Nice Shootin’, Tex!” 3.. (96 KB) Starts with Ray shooting Slimer (can slightly hear dishes clanking), then converts to a loop of firing noise, varying each time in speed & pitch to avoid sounding like a loop. Then the “Pack Stop” tones fade in and ramp down as the firing sound loop stops. Basically gives you a 4-second Nutrona burst from start to finish.