Google Map Markers Xml File

Posted : adminOn 3/20/2018

Mar 29, 2009 We commonly get questions regarding how information can be read from an XML file and displayed in Google Maps as markers. In this post I'd like to detail.

Google Map Markers

So here is my XML: markers. Displaying markers with google map from a xml file. 'The resource cannot be displayed because the file extension is not being. Thanks to jQuery and the Google Maps API. An XML file called markers. Stop Hp Product Assistant Trying Install. xml. Members get instant access to all of SitePoint’s ebooks and interactive online.

Hi, I am new to Google Maps API and try to make this tutorial here, about creating map-markers from an xml-file: I cannot figure out, why my map did not show the markers out of my xml- file. Firefox error console told me that 'customIcons' is not defined. I set one marker and the map-centre manually - those work fine and the map is shown, but without the data of the xml-file, maybe an experienced mapper is able to see the problem in notime. I got three ideas where the problem could be, but I think another reason causes this issue. Windows Defender For Vista 64 Bit. Here are my ideas or circumstances I had to deal with: * I want to create a WordPress Plugin so I am not able to use the onload-event on the body-Tag, I decided to offer a link with an onclick-event which triggers the function 'load()'.