Kurt Cobain Drivers License

Posted : adminOn 4/25/2018

The Kurt Cobain Murder Investigation - Flyer THE KURT COBAIN MURDER INVESTIGATION The events surrounding the death of Kurt Cobain are filled with lies, contradictions in logic, and countless inconsistencies. Here's just some of. WHAT YOU WERE NEVER TOLD: COURTNEY LOVE WAS FACING A DIVORCE Kurt was in the process of leaving Seattle and his wife Courtney, when he was found dead. Courtney knew Kurt wanted out of the marriage. Just weeks prior to his death, she asked one of her attorneys to get the 'meanest, most vicious divorce lawyer' she could find.

Kurt Cobain Drivers LicenseKurt Cobain Drivers License

SOMEONE WAS USING KURT'S CREDIT CARD One of Kurt's credit cards was missing when his body was discovered. Someone was attempting to use the missing credit card after Cobain died, but the attempts stopped when his body was discovered. COBAIN WAS IN FEAR OF HIS LIFE The shotgun found at the scene was purchased BEFORE Cobain left for rehab in Los Angeles, NOT AFTER he fled the rehab as reported by misinformed media sources. The shotgun was fully loaded with three shells. It was purchased and loaded for protection, not suicide. The police claim there were no legible fingerprints on this shotgun!

Kurt Cobain’s wallet shows how police had removed his WA State drivers license for identification (Courtesy of Seattle Police Department) kurt-cobain-suicide-gallery-9 The box of shotgun shells recovered at the scene. Mar 27, 2011 Kurt helped me study for my driver's license test which is why he talks about it and wrote about it in his journal. Download Software Logos Scholar`s Library Gold With All Resources1 here. Kurt had been on the road crew and hanging.

The truth is, the shotgun wasn't even checked for fingerprints until May 6th, nearly one month after Cobain's body was found. THERE WAS NO 'SUICIDE' NOTE!! The note found at the scene by the police was immediately labeled as a 'suicide note.'

The police report states it was 'apparently written by Cobain to his wife and daughter, explaining why he had killed himself.' But this note was not addressed to Kurt's wife and daughter and it says nothing about 'killing himself!' This note was clearly written to Cobain's fans telling them he was quitting the music business. There was only a short footnote to Courtney and Frances and the handwriting contained in those lines has been questioned by several handwriting experts. Ivy Generator 3ds Max. COURTNEY HAD ANOTHER NOTE SHE KEPT IN SECRET! Courtney was in possession of a second note after Kurt's body was found!

SHE DIDN'T TELL ANYONE about this second note until several months later when information about it slipped out during an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine. The second note, the one that Courtney kept in secret, clearly defines the first note which was found at the scene of Cobain's death.

The 'second note' from Kurt plainly states he was leaving Courtney and he was leaving Seattle. He was NOT leaving the planet! KURT COBAIN WAS INJECTED WITH 3 TIMES A LETHAL DOSE OF HEROIN!! Cobain's heroin, (morphine), blood level was 1.52 mgs per liter. This would require a minimum injection of 225 mgs of heroin, three times a lethal dose, even for a hardcore heroin addict! The drug Diazepam, was also found in Cobain's blood system. THE OBVIOUS QUESTIONS: 1.

If Cobain injected himself with a deliberate heroin overdose, why would he ALSO shoot himself in the head with a shotgun, leaving his baby daughter - the love of his life - with horrific visual images to remember him? Why not just 'go to sleep' on the overdose and never wake up? IF Cobain injected three times a lethal dose of heroin, COULD he then pick up a shotgun and shoot himself? Wouldn't he have been immediately incapacitated? Based on the heroin, (morphine), blood levels found in Cobain's body, preliminary research indicates Kurt Cobain would have been immediately incapacitated. He could not have picked up that shotgun.