The Average Joe Guide To Homemade Supplement Secrets
Posted : adminOn 3/11/2018
Homemade Supplements Do you know how much money you spend on supplements per month? I took a poll on a bodybuilding forum and the average dollar amount per month was $150!!!! Multiply that by 12 months, and the average bodybuilder spends $1800 per year on supplements. My monthly expenditure on supplements was anywhere from $50 to $75 per month. Blood Sorcery Sacraments And Blasphemies Pdf. After I bought the e-book ' my monthly average dropped to $25! Seriales Para Activar Windows Vista Ultimate 32 Bits here. AND, my homemade supplements have more of the actual ingredients that produce results than any other high priced supplement on the market.
You see, supplement companies use a 'sprinkle' of the actual result producing ingredients and then use filler ingredients to make up the rest of the 'proprietary formula'. This e-book will show you how to make your favorite supplement for less money and make it more effective to boot! Let's check out the chapters one by one. Gakic: Retail $79.99 Homemade $9.06 Note: The supplement price comparison is for a 30 day supply Chapter 1 Supplement 'Suckers' 101 Everyone who has ever bought a supplement is basically buying snake oil.