Vista Black Screen With Mouse Cursor Only

Posted : adminOn 6/29/2018
Vista Black Screen With Mouse Cursor Only

If in both normal boot and Safe Mode you see just a black screen with mouse pointer you can. Black Screen With Mouse Pointer Only. Windows 10 8 7 Vista. Hello,I have a laptop which goes to a black screen after the windows logo, it won't load to desktop, all I see is a black screen, and white mouse cursor. Oct 25, 2012 I have a laptop with Vista Home Premium 32-bit. I was using chkdisk and now it will not boot anymore. It only goes so far as to have a black screen and a mouse cursor.

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A white cursor moving on an empty black screen, it can go anywhere it wants, but it is unable to do anything. I'm working on a friend's computer, I dunno what he did.

I probably don't want to know what he did, but it is irrelevent. It's an Acer Extensa 5620, Costco special, nothing special here. Masterwriter Version here. Henever the computer boots up it boots up to a completely black screen, the only thing there is the white cursor. Now I assumed this was a 'screen hide' virus kind of like the icon hider, but I'm completely lost here. Usually you can get around something like that by starting in safe mode, well not this one.

I've tried starting up in safe mode and I get the same result. I've also tried going through the setup screen, but nothing there seems out of place. I can't really run anything, or do -anything. So really anything would be helpful. Basically Push power button, computer turns on to Acer screen with the option to 'press F2 to enter setup', then you get a black screen with 'windows did not resume properly last time it was shut down blah blah blah safe mode, safe mode with networking, safe mode with command prompt or start windows normally' if you choose a safe mode you get the 'files loading' screen which details all the start up files, if you click 'start windows normally' you get the little green loading bar. After the loading process is complete the white cursor shows up and everything is black.

Vista Black Screen With Flashing Cursor

No right click response, no ctrl alt del response, no nothing that I can figure. It appears to me that this link describes how to create a recovery disk, assuming you are currently running Vista, and have the original install disks. The following is an excerpt from the tutorial my took you to. The Recovery Disc created here does not install Vista. It is also not like the OEM Vista recovery DVD that comes with most store bought computers created from the factory recovery partition. Instead it is used only to boot from to repair your already installed Vista. As I stated in my last post, the disc you will create is used to access the Recovery Console in order to run the Startup Repair.

I'm running Win 7, and buddy never got install disks, and also never created recovery disks. There is no mention of the operating system being used with this computer. Since it has been posted in the Vista forum, and this computer was available in both XP and Vista I made the natural assumption that this computer is running Vista. You posted that you are running Windows 7, do you intend to install Windows 7 on your friend's computer? If you are you will need the 25 character alphanumeric product code in order to activate it, unless your copy is licensed for multiple installations. Edited by dc3, 23 February 2013 - 11:11 AM.