Issue-specific Security Policy Template
Posted : adminOn 6/17/2018

Using a similar approach, draft a generic, sample ISSP that would be useful to any home computer user. Assume this policy could be available to the general public. Download James Moody Young At Heart Rapidshare. Make sure you cover all of the critical aspects of a security policy. Get a second opinion on the ISSP's usability. You might use a family member, classmate, or a work colleague. Issue-specific security policies are developed based on the guidelines set forth in. One systems-specific security policy may describe how the organization's.
Information Systems Security Policy U.S. Department of Agriculture Washington, D.C. 20250 DEPARTMENTAL REGULATION Number: 3140-001 SUBJECT: USDA Information Systems Security Policy DATE: May 15, 1996 OPI: Policy Analysis and Coordination Center, Information Resources Management 1 PURPOSE This regulation establishes policies to ensure comprehensive protections are in place to safeguard all information technology resources. PACC-IRM, and USDA managers must ensure that protections are in place to protect against accidental or deliberate, unauthorized alteration, destruction, delay, theft, access, use or damage to systems, data, applications, equipment, and telecommunications. This regulation also defines USDA's information and telecommunications security missions, goals, scope, and responsibilities.
2 CANCELLATION This regulation cancels DR 3140-1, 'USDA ADP Security Policy,' dated July 19, 1984. 3 SCOPE This regulation applies to all USDA organizational elements and their employees, other Federal agencies, State agencies, contractors, and sub-contractors who are involved in development of systems, obtaining, transmitting, using, and processing USDA information, data, on behalf of USDA. This regulation also applies to USDA computers operated on behalf of the USDA by State and local government or other private organizations to accomplish a USDA function.
Finally, it includes anyone involved in the design, development, acquisition, installation, operation, maintenance and use of USDA ADP, telecommunications, LANs, and WANs. Windows Defender For Vista 64 Bit. 4 BACKGROUND The Computer Security Act of 1987, (Public Law 100-235) and OMB Circular No.
A-130, Appendix III, dated February 8, 1996, 'Security of Federal Automated Information Resources' require all Federal agencies (Departments) to plan for the security of all sensitive information systems throughout their life cycle. OMB Circular No.
A-130, Appendix III establishes a minimum set of controls to be included in Federal AIS security programs; and assigns Federal agencies the responsibilities for security of automated information. It also links agency automated information system security programs and agency management control systems established in accordance with OMB Circular No. A-123, 'Management Accountability and Control.' The ISSP is designed to meet the requirements of Federal Laws and guidance. It also ensure the availability of telecommunications, ADP resources, and Word processing (WP) services, and to provide adequate physical protection to all IT resources. All responsible officials must assume that controls are placed and administered where they are most effective.